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Zones (also called levels or floors) are numbered areas through which you progress as part of the game's goal. You start off at zone 1, and every zone after that is 1 higher than the last one. According to some resources, the soft cap of the game caps at 5.46M zone (5,460,000 zone). Explanation below:
"Soft cap (so you basically get stuck after this) in 1.0e11 is 5.46 million, but most players will stop long before then, because Borb's hard cap comes at 4.8 million. (In other words, you can't have 2mpz past that, because the AS gained over 500 zones exceeds the cost of 2mpz)" -Comment by GoBo15
Eventually it's possible to surpass the soft cap but will require lots of time to progress.
Each zone contains monsters that will drop Gold upon defeat. Their HP and Gold reward exponentially grows with the number of your zone. To unlock a new zone, you have to consecutively defeat a set amount of monsters in your current highest zone first, which increases in difficulty as you get deeper into the game.
Types of Zones[]
The types of zones in order are:
- Forest
- Drylands
- Desert
- Beach
- Mudlands
- Rocklands
- Caverns
- Stone Fields
- Tundra
- Astral Rift
- Bloodlands
After Bloodlands, the cycle repeats itself from Forest again.
Regular Zones[]
There are two types of zones: regular zones and boss zones. 4 in 5 zones are regular zones. They require you to kill 10 monsters in order to move onto the next one. This requirement can be lowered by obtaining and leveling Kumawakamaru, which itself can be made stronger by Borb. They also have a 1% chance of giving a Treasure Chest, which drops 10 times the gold, and their spawn rate can be increased up to 100 times the chance by Dora, and this limit can be increased by Sen-Akhan.
Apart from Zones 1 to 140, monster health will be multiplied by 1.145 every zone (including boss zones) until Zone 500. Then it will be multiplied by 1.146 every zone until Zone 1000, then 1.147 until 1500, and so on, becoming 1.544 until Zone 200000 and finally stopping at a ratio of 1.545 after that zone, permanently. Thanks to your Transcendent Power increase and massively increased power of Xavira and heroes after her, you will be able to cross this bridge if you wait long enough.
For monster health from zone 1 to 140, click here.
Boss Zones[]
The second type are boss zones. They appear once every 5 levels, and they will have a special monster with much higher HP that has to be killed within 30 seconds. The upsides of boss zones are that they only require you to kill 1 monster in order to unlock the next zone, and that monsters killed in boss zones drop extra Gold.
From floors 1-140, each boss takes nearly 10 times the DPS of the previous boss. After that, bosses will require approximately 2 times the DPS of the previous boss. Obtaining Chronos, will increase the amount of time you have to defeat a boss. 1 level in Chronos will give 1 extra second, 2 levels will give 1.97 extra seconds total, and so on, with each level giving slightly less extra time, up to a limit of 30 extra seconds total. Bubos reduces boss HP by a limit of 5 monsters, though this can be increased by K'Ariqua. Past zone 100 there is a chance of a primal boss, and primal bosses give pending hero souls which are hero souls you gain for ascending. You can not farm primal bosses so if the first time you fight the boss and it's primal after you kill it once it will never be primal again and if it wasn't a primal the first time you fought it the boss will never be primal. Primal bosses have a 25% chance of appearing past zone 100 and chance can be increased by Atman by up to +75%, though this can be increased by Rhageist.
500 zones rule[]
As of patch 1.0e11, every 500 zones, the following changes occur:
- +0.1 monsters per zone
- -2% primal boss chance (minimum 5%)
- +0.4 monsters worth of boss health
- -2 seconds on boss timer (minimum 2 seconds)
- Treasure chest chance multiplied by almost exactly 0.994
- (not shown in game) +0.001 monster HP ratio between consecutive zones until Zone 200000
Ascension, a special upgrade provided by Amenhotep, allows you to destroy your world and create a new one with added Hero Souls to speed up your progress. After ascending, you will start back at zone 1.
The End[]
Prior to patch 0.22, level 4725 was the highest level reachable, and the health bar on the Big Angry Potato would display as "InfinK HP". Even if over 1.8e308 damage was dealt, you still could not advance as no level was created past 4725 and the game didn't support very large numbers. The creature would display "Rekt!" below the hitbar, but the creature would not disappear. If you then tried to switch levels and go back to 4725, the level would glitch, causing a new Big Angry Potato to appear in front of the already dead one.
Bubos could bring the max level up to 4765, because the Big Angry Potato's health would increase it above 1e308, in which it was the maximum at that time. Today Monster health is encoded in BigNumber.
After Patch 0.22, the maximum reachable zone is 231-13 or 2,147,483,635, as for this is because the zone value is coded in 32-bit binary, thus the maximum reachable zone is equal to 231-13. After reaching zone 2,147,483,635, the monster will stop spawning and the game will become emptiness. Returning to previous zone is no use, the monster would still stop spawning after killing first monster of the zone. If you tried to pass the zone, the game will crash and said RuntimeError.
Achievement Name | Icon | Description |
Zone Explorer | Beat Zone 10. | |
Zone Warrior | Beat Zone 25. | |
Zone Master | Beat Zone 50. | |
Zone Lord | Beat Zone 100. | |
Zone King | Beat Zone 120. | |
Zone God | Beat Zone 140. | |
Zone Owner | Beat Zone 160. | |
Zone Pwn | Beat Zone 1,200 | |
Zoner | Beat Zone 1,400 | |
Zone Pro | Beat Zone 1,600 | |
Zone Crusher | Beat Zone 1,800 | |
Zone Connoisseur | Beat Zone 2,000 | |
Zone Annihilator | Beat Zone 2,200 | |
End Zone | Beat Zone 2,400 | |
Zoned Out | Beat Zone 2,600 | |
Zowned | Beat Zone 2,800 | |
Z 3000 | Beat Zone 3,000 | |
Zone Devourer | Beat Zone 3,200 | |
Are We There Yet? | Beat Zone 3,400 | |
Zone Conqueror | Beat Zone 3,600 | |
Transcendent Zone Explorer | Beat Zone 4,000 after transcending | |
Transcendent Zone Warrior | Beat Zone 5,000 after transcending | |
Transcendent Zone Crusher | Beat Zone 7,500 after transcending | |
Transcendent Zone Connoisseur | Beat Zone 10,000 after transcending | |
Transcendent Zone Annihilator | Beat Zone 15,000 after transcending | |
Transcendent Zone Devourer | Beat Zone 20,000 after transcending | |
Transcendent Zone Conqueror | Beat Zone 30,000 after transcending | |
Transcendent Zone Vanquisher | Beat Zone 100,000 after transcending | |
Transcendent Zoneist | Beat Zone 250,000 after transcending | |
Point of No Return | Beat Zone 1,000,000 after transcending |
Patch History[]
- Patch 0.07 introduced two new types of zones, bringing the total number of zone types to the number it is currently, 11.
- As of patch 0.08, Primal Bosses have been added and appear by chance beginning at Zone 105 and every 5 zones thereafter. They have the same HP as a regular boss of that zone, except they award Hero Souls after being defeated. They can be identified by a blue smoky glow and colored text Primal Hero Soul. Progress mode is unlocked to the player and stays through ascension if they reach floor 100 and automatically moves up to the highest floor when after the most recent kill or when kill count is fulfilled. It will disable, set you back a zone, and return to farming mode if you fail to kill the most recent boss within the time limit. You will not move back if you fail to kill the boss while in farming mode, so be careful.
- In patches 0.08 and 0.09, a gift of 5 Hero Souls were awarded to the player for completing Zone 100 for the first time.
- As of patch 0.10, Primal Bosses have increased to a 25% chance to appear on boss floors and award more Hero Souls based on the zone. Zones 90 and up now give double gold. A gilded hero is awarded for beating your all-time highest zone at zone 100, and every 10 zones thereafter. It is random for which hero you get and stays when the player ascends.
- As of patch 1.0, the monsters at lower zones have lower HP, and the monsters at higher zones have higher HP.
- In patch 1.0e10, monster health scaling was reworked in zones after 200k. (~8.8x hp every 5 zones)