ClickerHeroes Wiki

Hello, everyone! I just want to keep this short and let you all know that this Clicker Heroes wiki is in need of new moderators, as I am currently the only active one. :(

If you want to become a moderator of this wiki, please let me know. Here are examples of what you will be doing:

  • Remove spam comments and trolls.
  • Checking the wiki activity.
  • Help organize this wiki.
  • Help plan ideas for this wiki.

All you need to do to sign up is to comment below asking for moderator rights. Please make sure that you have been on this wiki for more than two weeks before you sign up and that you are willing to contribute frequently (every day or even every other day is good enough).

It would mean a lot to me, and to this wiki. I hope that you will enjoy your privileges of being a mod and that we'll all work together well. Thank you! 

Ruby (name) EMP (Talk to me here!)
