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Here is the way that the game depicts different numbers and what their actual names are. Each number is comprised of 1000 of the previous number, or 1000 times greater.

Scientific notation is used to have very large numbers in a smaller space. 1470000000 turns into "1.47e9", where "eX" is 10X. The number X also represents the number of times the decimal places is moved to the right in the notation.

Scientific Notation In Game Shorthand Composition Textual # of thousand 1000s
1e3 1K 1,000 One Thousand 0
1e6 1M 1,000K One Million 1
1e9 1B 1,000M One Billion 2
1e12 1T 1,000B One Trillion 3
1e15 1q 1,000T One Quadrillion 4
1e18 1Q 1,000q One Quintillion 5
1e21 1s 1,000Q One Sextillion 6
1e24 1S 1,000s One Septillion 7
1e27 1O 1,000S One Octillion 8
1e30 1N 1,000O One Nonillion 9
1e33 1d 1,000N One Decillion 10
1e36 1U 1,000d One Undecillion 11
1e39 1D 1,000U One Duodecillion 12
1e42 1! 1,000D One Tredecillion 13
1e45 1@ 1,000! One Quattuordecillion 14
1e48 1# 1,000@ One Quindecillion 15
1e51 1$ 1,000# One Sexdecillion 16
1e54 1% 1,000$ One Septendecillion 17
1e57 1^ 1,000% One Octodecillion 18
1e60 1& 1,000^ One Novemdecillion 19
1e63 1* 1,000& One Vigintillion 20
1e66 1000* 1,000* One Unvigintillion 21
1e69 1,000×1e66 One Duovigintillion 22
1e72 1,000×1e69 One Trevigintillion 23
1e75 1,000×1e72 One Quattuorvigintillion 24
1e78 1,000×1e75 One Quinvigintillion 25
1e81 1,000×1e78 One Sexvigintillion 26
1e84 1,000×1e81 One Septenvigintillion 27
1e87 1,000×1e84 One Octavigintillion 28
1e90 1,000×1e87 One Novemvigintillion 29
1e93 1,000×1e90 One Trigintillion 30
1e96 1,000×1e93 One Untrigintillion 31
1e99 1,000×1e96 One Duotrigintillion 32
1e102 1,000×1e99 One Tretrigintillion 33
1e105 1,000×1e102 One Quattuortrigintillion 34
1e108 1,000×1e105 One Quintrigintillion 35
1e111 1,000×1e108 One Sextrigintillion 36
1e114 1,000×1e111 One Septentrigintillion 37
1e117 1,000×1e114 One Octatrigintillion 38
1e120 1,000×1e117 One Novemtrigintillion 39
1e123 1,000×1e120 One Quadragintillion 40
1e126 1,000×1e123 One Unquadragintillion 41
1e129 1,000×1e126 One Duoquadragintillion 42
1e132 1,000×1e129 One Trequadragintillion 43
1e135 1,000×1e132 One Quattuorquadragintillion 44
1e138 1,000×1e135 One Quinquadragintillion 45
1e141 1,000×1e138 One Sexquadragintillion 46
1e144 1,000×1e141 One Septenquadragintillion 47
1e147 1,000×1e144 One Octaquadragintillion 48


  • "1000!" in normal mathematics means 1000 factorial, which is 1000x999x998... much more than the in game number.
  • There are roughly only 10e80 particles in the universe!
  • These numbers are still less than 0.0001% of infinity.