ClickerHeroes Wiki

Adding Links to Table at the Bottom[]

User:EMP_irrational reverted revision 52957 with the comment that "because the ancients nav is right at the bottom."

The nav is a list of images, with no names. Additionally, it's not convinient to scroll up on a mobile device to find the links. Frankly I wanted to add the actual information about the ancient (what their bonus is) but thought that was redundant and instead opted for the links.

Basically, I disagree with the revert. Even if you don't think it was needed, it doesn't detract from the page.

Ackis (talk) 17:45, December 4, 2017 (UTC)


The reason why I reverted the edit is that overlinking is not really a good thing to do. The ancients NAV exists to make it easier to access the ancient pages, but if that doesn't work for you, then use the list of ancients right above. (I tried it on mobile as well and it's not difficult to scroll up to the table.) If the page is really long, then it's something to consider, but otherwise, it doesn't need the double linking.

Ruby (name) EMP (Talk to me here!) 04:15, December 5, 2017 (UTC)
