The Mobile version is a free-to-play version of Clicker Heroes that has the same core gameplay and is roughly the same, although some aspects of the game were changed.
Note: Bolded phrases highlight advantages compared to PC.
On August 20, 2015, Clicker Heroes was released for iOS and Android. Unfortunately for iOS, on May 2019, the iOS version was generating an income of $200-$300 per day until an international trademark dispute caused Apple to remove the game from the app store. For unknown reason, the game came back from nowhere and it's still available on App Store. But lucky for Android, on May 16, 2023, Clicker Heroes has been ported to a new game engine, called Unity, and the game has been continuously updated till this day, which changes and added many features compared to iOS.
Noticeable Changes[]
Note: These are major changes that most would notice and may alter gameplay.
- Everything that costs a certain amount of Rubies is multiplied by 10 on mobile (ex. Autoclicker 100-1,000)
- Due to this, mobile save is NOT compatible with PC save.
- Compared to PC, mobile has more ways to earn rubies than PC. (PC has microtransactions, clickables and immortal raid, while mobile exclusively has Ads, Offers and Achievements)
- Mobile (Android) has its own 2023 update while Steam doesn't have updates, because of this, there are some features that are only exclusive to mobile.
- All instances of the word "click" is replaced with "tap" because you couldn't click on the screen.
- Critical Click Chance is also replaced with Critical Tap Chance
- Betty Clicker's name is changed to "Betty Tapper"
- Mobile has its own sorting system in Ancients, you can sort them by unlock order, or alphabetical order.
- If the table at the top of the screen which shows you your Gold, DPS, Tap Damage, and Hero Souls is tapped, it opens a popup that explains each of values. There, you can toggle "always use scientific notation" to make your gold value always shown as x.xxxex. Below that shows "the legend of large numbers", which shows all units and their corresponding official names up to vigintillion.
- Every 500 zones, difficulty starts scaling, and after zone 500, a question mark green icon appears on the top left corner of the screen, below the zone numbers but right of the wrench icon. When clicked, it gives you statistics about the current zone, factoring your ancients. It tells you MPZ (Monsters Per Zone), Zone #, Primal Chance, Treasure Chest Chance, Boss Health Timer, and Boss Health Multiplier, which can all be affected by ancients. Keep in mind that it only shows the current zone, so if you have Kumawakamaru at a level where the reduction does not keep the MPZ at 2, it will give you a small chance of having less monsters per zone, determined by the decimals. It will tell you "4 monsters" for that zone, but if the next zone your luck gives you 3 monsters, it will say "3 monsters".
Format Changes[]
- The Skills have a section of their own at the bottom of the screen, instead of being shown at the side of the screen or at the side of the heroes bar. A new, 10th skill, when activated, doubles gold earned for 4 hours, and you have to watch an ad to activate it. There is no cooldown.
- Instead of different "sections" at the top of the screen, they are all at the bottom and open a menu corresponding to the icon (heroes, mercenaries, etc.) which can only be left when either close the game and reopen or click the black arrow at the top right of the menu.
- When a menu is opened, the zone "floor" is sent up above the menu so that you can see the whole zone.
- Instead of toggling x25 or x100 with hotkeys, since there is no keyboard, a blue arrow at the top of most can be tapped to change the amount of levels you want at once. It stays in that multiplier forever until you click it again, and goes in a cycle.
- Heroes go in x1-x10-x25-x100-x1,000-x10,000
- Ancients go in x1-x10-x100-x1,000-x10,000-xVALUE. When value is selected, you tap on the upgrade button (which says Lv. VALUE, Cost: VALUE) on an ancient and input in how many levels you want, which will automatically upgrade the ancient that many levels, if you have enough hero souls. Press 'done' on the pop-up keyboard to finish and it will automatically upgrade for you.
- Outsiders go in x1-x10-x25-x100-x1,000-x10,000
- The "stats", or "statistics", can be opened through clicking the stats button in the menu the wrench icon in the top left corner of the screen opens. When clicking the wrench, it also opens many of the other accessibility features and settings found on the side of the screen in PC.
- Instead of listing Ascend for +x hero souls, mobile has a (+x) next to your hero soul count, indicating the amount that you would receive after ascending.
Minor Changes[]
- On PC, you can view 2 immortal boss raid attack log at the same time, while in mobile you can only view the latest attack log.
- The icon of Hero Souls in mobile is different from PC.
- PC doesn't have the icon of forge cores while mobile has.
- Although the quest for +1 Mercenary is always one of the quests on PC if you have less than 5, on mobile, directly after removing a mercenary, there will not be a guarantee that the next quest will be a +1 Mercenary. You will have to reset the quest options first by sending one of your mercenaries on a quest, and then it will appear.
- Question marks in green circles often appear throughout the game, telling you about that section and how it works
- When you receive offline gold, there is a button that allows you to double gold by watching an ad.
- In the "Gilded Heroes" section, the description for the gilded heroes just explains what de-gilding and boosting does, unlike PC, where it explains what gilding does and how it lasts through ascensions.
- Instead of heroes' names being purple, on mobile, they are closer to blue.
- When Siri is active (iOS), if taps are applied during the time that Siri is active (excluding autoclickers), when Siri is turned off all the taps apply at once, easily getting all the "taps in one second" achievements. However, if the damage kills the monster, or the boss timer runs out, Siri is immediately deactivated and the monster dies/the boss resets. Doing this multiple times may cause the monsters in that zone to become invisible until you switch to another zone or close the game.
- Rarely, after opening the game, the game will no longer function correctly and will be stuck in one frame. Sometimes, you can scroll in menus, but all other heroes/ancients/mercenaries/outsiders that were not on-screen in the last opening will have disappeared, and other times, you cannot interact at all.
- Sometimes, a common but rare glitch may occur while playing the game normally. The autoclickers position is glitched, the coin cannot be collected manually when tapping (mostly). These can be fixed by quitting the game and restarting the game.
- Note that while both Heroes and Outsiders' level-up multiplier selector goes in the same way; x1-x10-x25-x100-x1,000-x10,000, Ancients are unique in the aspect that they do not have the x25 and have an added "VALUE" select. Furthermore, when you have enough ancient levels to change it into a different unit (ex. 100K), when leveling up it is changed so it levels up the visible unit (ex. x1 -> x1K).