ClickerHeroes Wiki

This page is a collection of formulas used for calculating various in-game numbers.


Hero Cost Formula (cost of upgrading from "Level")[]

The cost to level up Cid-Summer Cid, the Helpful Adventurer from level 1 to 15 is:
floor((5 + Level) × 1.07Level - 1)
The cost to level up Cid-Summer Cid, the Helpful Adventurer from level 16 is:
floor(20 × 1.07Level - 1)
The cost to level up another non-Ace Scout by one is:
floor(BaseCost × 1.07Level - 1)
The cost to level up an Ace Scout by one is:
floor(BaseCost × 1.22 Level - 1)

Hero DPS[]

DPS of each hero, the number displayed on the right side of the hero's levelling buttons, is a product of

Total DPS, the number displayed on the upper left side of Hero tab, is a product of:

  • Sum of all Heroes DPS
  • Bonus from Siyalatas Siyalatas and Nogardnit Nogardnit (idle mode)
  • Bonus from Juggernaut Juggernaut Combo (active mode)
  • ×2 if Powersurge is activated (×3 with Energized Powersurge)
  • ×2 if "2x multiplier to all your damage forever" is bought for 50 Ruby Rubies

Hero DPS per Gold Gold[]

All character level costs use the same multiplier (Base×1.07Level). They also have the same scaling WRT DPS / level. The only difference is their base cost to base DPS ratio, and personal modifiers to damage. For example, 2treebeast Treebeast cost 50 gold for level 1, but gives you 5 base DPS (10:1 ratio), while Frostleaf nogild Frostleaf costs 2.1e27 and gives 7.5e22 base DPS (28,113:1 ratio).

Below level 200, the scaling is: DPS = BaseDPS × StaticModifier × Level

StaticModifier includes the global adjustment, personal modifiers and gilding, but does not change based on the level of the character. (At level 199, this is Static × 199×(1.07-199) = Static × 2.828e-4, or 0.03% the DPS/gold you got at level 1).

After level 200, the 4 multiplier every 25 level starts to dominate, so we can ignore the other terms. You get

So each level is 1.2% less efficient of a DPS increase vs the cost to do the increase.

Each Hero is a little less efficient than the previous one. 3ivan Ivan, the Drunken Brawler being 14% less base efficient than 2treebeast Treebeast, down to a low of 13broyle Broyle Lindeoven, Fire Mage being 189% less base efficient than 12bobby Bobby, Bounty Hunter. After 13broyle Broyle Lindeoven, Fire Mage, each one, up to Frostleaf nogild Frostleaf, is a static 36% less efficient than the previous one. At a 25 level upgrade, this is 26.3% less efficient. Which is fairly close to the average difference between heroes. So ignoring personal modifiers, it is close to optimally efficient to level each hero 25 levels higher than the next hero.

HeroSoul Hero Souls awarded for killing Primal Bosses[]

HeroSoul Hero Souls awarded by defeating Primal Bosses:
floor(((Level - 80) / 25)1.3 × (1 + (Bonus from Ponyboy)))
Transcendent Power HeroSoul Hero Souls awarded by defeating Primal Bosses (only for transcendent player):
20 × (1 + (Bonus from Ponyboy)) × (1 + TP%)(Level / 5) - 20

Note: Omeet (Centurion Boss at Level 100) always gives 1 HeroSoul Hero Souls and 0 Transcendent Power HeroSoul Hero Souls, regardless of the formulas above.

Monster HP for levels[]

From Level 1 to Level 140:
From Level 141 to Level 500:
From Level 501 to Level 200000:
From Level 200001 onwards:

is the product symbol,

are ceiling brackets and

are flooring brackets.

Monster Gold Gold Drop[]

This is how much Gold Gold you will get (on average) from killing a monster. Gold Gold dropped is the product of:

  • Monster gold worth (see below),
  • 1 + 9 × (Fortuna Fortuna Chance),
  • Bonus from Libertas Libertas (idle mode).
  • Bonus from PlutoPluto per click during Golden Clicks (active mode, × 2 with energized Golden Clicks)

Monster Gold Worth[]

This is how much killing a monster is "worth" - it is used in determining Gold Gold dropped (see above) and for the Golden Clicks skill. Monster worth is the ceiling (round up to an integer) of the product of:

  • (Gold is 1 at Zone 1 and is generally cumulatively multiplied by 1.6 every monster zone and 6.1 or 6.25 every boss zone until Zone 140)
  • 4.717e28 * 1.15level-140 if level is greater than 139,
  • × 10 if it is a Boss,
  • Gold Gold Found Upgrades:
  • Bonus from Mammon Mammon,
  • × 10 × (Bonus from Mimzee Mimzee), if it is a Treasure Chest Treasure Chest,
  • × 2 if Metal Detector is activated (×3 with Energized Metal Detector).

Formula for sum of n1.5[]

The approximation below can be used to estimate the total cost of raising an Ancient with upgrade cost at level n equals to n1.5, from level 1 to level n:

where R≈-0.0254852. This result can be obtained with the Euler-Maclaurin formula. In practice, the terms after n5/2 can be ignored, leaving the following:

The cost to level such Ancient, from level x to level y, can be estimated using

