Chor'gorloth is an Outsider that helps with Ancient cost. He decreases the number of hero souls it costs to level ancients. Every level multiplies the cost by 0.95. This, plus Transcendent Power, will help you to easily level your ancients to high levels. Here's an example.
Morgulis costs 1 Hero Souls per level, which by extension means that for 100 levels he will cost 100 Hero Souls. However, with Chor'gorloth, you can level Morgulis 100 levels for less than 100 Hero Souls. And also 1000 levels for less than 1000 Hero Souls! Sadly, Chor'gorloth's level can only go up to 150.
Level | Cumulative cost ( Ancient Souls) | Effect (change in Ancient cost) |
1 | 1 | -5% |
2 | 3 | -9.75% |
3 | 6 | -14.26% |
4 | 10 | -18.54% |
5 | 15 | -22.62% |
150 | 11325 | -99.95% |
n | (n2+n)/2 | -(100 × (1-0.95n))% |
There are 4 ways an Ancient's cost can scale, and Chor'gorloth affects those scalings in different ways. Below, l is the ancient level and is assumed to be large for simplification, C is the multiplying factor of Chor'gorloth, and p is the price.
You can use C = 0.95^n, where n is Chor'gorloth's level.
Scaling Type | Cumulative Cost (p) | Level By Cost (l) | Benefits |
Constant Cost Curve | Morgulis's effect is multiplied by , if you spend all your leftover hero souls on it. | ||
Linear Cost Curve | Argaiv, Bhaal, Fragsworth, Libertas, Mammon, Mimzee, Pluto, and Siyalatas get their effects multiplied by. | ||
Power Cost Curve | Juggernaut and Nogardnit get their effects multiplied by . | ||
Exponential Cost Curve | All these ancients gain levels. This is a very weak effect, even relics give way more than this. | ||
Total Idle Benefit (damage times gold): | |||
Total Active Benefit (damage times gold): |
Even though Chor'gorloth does very little to the 15 exponential cost curve ancients, it pays off on the other 11. Gold and damage are somewhat synonymous, so these effects are multiplied.
Chor'gorloth is a slowly scaling Outsider that reduces the amount of Hero Souls needed to level an ancient. During your first transcensions, Chor'gorloth is leveled pretty low, as other Outsiders such as Ponyboy and Rhageist are still quite valuable. However, the other Outsiders hit their diminishing returns quite quickly, and they stop being leveled. Unlike them, Chor'gorloth is slowly leveled more and more due to its exponential effects, and while not being super powerful (none of the outsiders are super powerful in late game anyway), is worth the Ancient Souls spent.
However, do not level Chor'gorloth excessively-make sure to balance your Ancient Souls between all of the Outsiders.
Outsiders |