ClickerHeroes Wiki


Atman, Ancient of Souls is an ancient in Clicker Heroes.


Atman adds more chance for primal bosses to appear. The bonus spawn chance it gives follows a logarithmic form, going towards +75%. Stacked with the original 25%, you can effectively get the Primal Boss spawn chance to 100%.

Atman's effect is useful in mid game, where it is easily affordable, and where the effect is still strong. Furthermore, Atman is affected by Rhageist, ensuring that you have 100% primal chance for most of your mid-game runs.

Early game, the effect is not significant compared to the souls spent, and late game, the effect is washed out by the decrease of Primal Boss Chance.

Leveling Atman[]

Atman's summon cost is the player's current summon cost.

Atman's cost per level is 2n, with n being equal to the next level.

All costs except the summon cost can be reduced by Chor'gorloth.

The bonus spawn chance follows the equation:

+% chance of primal bosses = 75×(1-e-0.013n)×Effect of Rhageist

The table below shows the effect of Atman at certain levels (without the effect of Rhageist).

Lvl Cost Chance Lvl Cost Chance Lvl Cost Chance
1 Summon cost +0.96% 10 1024 +9.14% 100 1.268e30 +54.56%
2 4 +1.92% 20 1.049e6 +17.17% 200 1.607e60 +69.42%
3 8 +2.86% 30 1.074e9 +24.22% 300 2.037e90 +73.48%
4 16 +3.80% 40 1.100e12 +30.41% 400 2.582e120 +74.58%
5 32 +4.71% 50 1.126e15 +35.84% 500 3.273e150 +74.88%
6 64 +5.62% 60 1.153e18 +40.61% 600 4.150e180 +74.96%
7 128 +6.52% 70 1.181e21 +44.81% 700 5.260e210 +74.99%
8 256 +7.4% 80 1.209e24 +48.49% 800 6.668e240 +74.99%
9 512 +8.28% 90 1.238e27 +51.72% 900 8.453e270 +74.99%


  • Atman refers to the Ātman, the soul/self in Hindu philosophy.
  • Atman effectively maxes out at level 2880.
  • Atman somewhat resembles a human heart.

Argaiv Atman Berserker Bhaal Bubos Chawedo Chronos Dogcog Dora Energon Fortuna Fragsworth Hecatoncheir Juggernaut Kleptos Kumawakamaru Libertas Mammon Mimzee Morgulis Nogardnit Pluto Revolc Siyalatas Sniperino Vaagur


Iris Khrysos Solomon Thusia
